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<Entry inserita il 26 Settembre 2267>
<Registrazione con nota introduttiva>
Lo voleva veramente, e, dannazione, lo voglio anche io.
<Riproduzione file audio>
<La voce di smith intona una canzone sulle note di "It Happened In Monterey">
It happened in Suraya bay
a few weeks ago
I loved her in Suraya bay
in old Risa world.
Stars and steel guitars
and soft skin, as green as vine
stole somebody´s heart
and I´m afraid that it was mine.
It happened in Suraya bay
without thinking twice,
I left her and threw away the key to paradise.
My indiscreet heart
oh, how it longed for the sweetheart
that I left in old Suraya bay.
It happened in Suraya bay
a few weeks ago
I met her again in Suraya bay
or somewhere no-one ought to know.
Stars, guitars,
skin green as vine
stole somebody´s heart
and I fear that it was mine.
It happened in Suraya bay
and without thinking twice,
I kissed her and opened the gates to paradise.
My indiscreet heart
beats for that sweetheart,
that I loved in old Suraya bay.
<Fine registrazione audio>